Wednesday, July 16, 2014

For My Future Son In Law

Dear Future Son in Law,

What a big task you have. Taking on our daughter. Because she is no piece of cake. More like a piece of work. The best piece of work, but still. I hope you are ready for her. And for us. Because you see, she means everything to her Dad and I. She is the very, very best part of ourselves. We love her more than you can ever imagine and only want the best for her. I trust, since I have hopefully raised her right at this point, that you are in fact what is best for her since she chose you.

Right now your future bride is 3. Crazy to think of her at 3, I know. She is amazing even now. I can't wait to think of how amazing she will be when it's your turn to share her with us. I wanted to tell you a little about her just so you can be sure you know what you are getting yourself into. She's funny. As in wet your pants funny sometimes. So I hope you aren't intimidated by a funny girl. She's also stubborn. It's about the only thing she gets from me. But when she has made her mind up about something, that's pretty much the way it's going to be. Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes this is a bad thing. She overthinks things. She worries. More than any child I've ever seen. She is compassionate. And she loves. Big. With everything she has. I don't imagine this will ever change. But her very best trait in my eyes? She doesn't judge. She just loves everybody. No matter the color, no matter the size, no matter about anything. She just thinks everybody is the same. This is what I pray stays the best about her. And that she doesn't let this mean world change her in that aspect.

Also, dear son, she will have high standards. I can't and won't apologize for that. She has a wonderful, amazing Daddy who treats her mama just the way she'll want to be treated one day. I pray that you are being raised learning these very traits that she will be looking for. And if not, that you'll learn it somewhere else in the world. For you see, I of all people know that not everybody comes from the best background or the best family situation. But that doesn't mean a thing in how you will turn out to be. YOU will decide who you are and what kind of man/husband you want to be.

And last, I pray for you each day. I don't know where you are or what you're doing. Only God knows that. You may not even be born yet. But each day (usually in the shower where I do most of my praying, Is that weird?) I pray that you are loved. You are being taken care of. You are safe, warm and fed. And that your parents are raising you into the man that will eventually share our daughter. That will give her a new last name and hopefully one day make her a mother. I'm in your corner. I already love you. You will give me a son.

And if you promise to take care of our precious girl, I can promise you a few things too. I promise that I will teach her, mostly by showing her, how to love her husband. I promise I will teach her how to make a house a home. I promise that I will teach her how to make a mean meatloaf that you will like even if you think you don't like meatloaf. I promise I will teach her how to pray for you, pray for your marriage and pray for your children. I promise that I will teach her how to work hard and value what you two accomplish in life.

You and I are a team. We are her past and you are her future.

"Don't miss a chance to put each other first
Now that you've vowed for better or for worse
And don't let the beauty of this life pass you by
In the times of trouble you'll stand side by side.
 I'll take this slow, sweet walk with you."

One kid vs Two

Such a hard decision. When I was growing up, I always thought I would have probably 2 kids, and maybe even three. I come from a family of three. Then I met Heath who also comes from a family of three. So easy, peasy. We both come from a family of 3 siblings so why not just do the same. Wrong.
I had a perfect pregnancy. Got pregnant easy, loved being pregnant and delivery was a piece of cake. So, its not this fact that turns me off from having more children. It's probably this fact that makes me want another the most at times.

But then I actually met Bentlee. And everything changed. We say all the time that God was just busting at the seams to make her and put her out in the world. That's why I got pregnant so quickly. He broke the mold making her. She is just such a different child. She sees things differently. She analyzes things. She makes me think. She challenges me to be different, to be better. And honestly, we are just so happy with her. It's me, her and Heath against the world. We are a family. And we feel complete. I'm not saying another child wouldn't complete us even more, but how do you ever know that? If I had another and then changed my mind, its not like you can send it back.

And then there are finances of course. Kids are expensive. Very much so. And I want to be able to afford nice things for her. Buy her a car. Pay for her wedding. Possibly send her to college. And those are just the big things. Not counting the day by day things like preschool or dance lessons. I do realize that money isn't everything. Trust me when I say I know this. But these are all things I want to do for her. We don't make a ton of money. There I put that out there. We have enough for sure and truly live within our means, but add another kid in and it would for sure be tougher.

Then there are the pro's of having another. Another Lori and Heath. Another human being that I love more than anything. Somebody to share the responsibility of taking care of us when we are older with Bentlee. A built in best friend for Bentlee. Except you can't always guarantee they will be best friends. Siblings don't always like each other. But it would def teach Bentlee a few things. How to share. How to be more patient. Giver her somebody to protect.

It's just such a serious decision for me. And typically I can make serious decisions very quickly. But just not this one. It's to big for me. So, I pray about it. I ask God to show me what His plan is. And if it's to have another child, I ask for him to open my heart to the idea. And to open Heath's. And I ask him that if it's his plan that Bentlee is an only child, then let me be concrete in my knowing that so I don't drive myself nuts. I keep waiting for the day where I can be sure one way or the other.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

If You Really Knew Me...

1. You'd know that I met Heath when I was 16, moved in with him when I was 18, got married at 19 and honestly think that's the best choice I could have ever made for myself.

2. I call my best friend Buddy. I have ever since our colorguard days. She calls me this too. Some of her family may possibly not even know my real name, because thats all she has ever called me.

3. I absolutely can NOT decide where we are going to eat if the car is moving. The husband knows to just pull over. I feel rushed and I shut down and just can't decide. Its bad, I know.

4. If I'm upset, I talk myself into circles. I can literally go from point A to point F back to point B in the same sentence. The more upset, the more I jump around.

5. I sniff every cup that comes out of our cabinet before I pour a drink into it. Our dishes are clean, our cabinets are clean, but I'm weird about the way a cup smells. If it smells even remotely funny, I stick it back in the sink to be washed.

6. I only really love to drink Aquafina water and I prefer it in the older bottles that don't have the lines in them. For a very long time, I swore the water tasted differently in the new bottles and wouldn't buy that kind. Now, I don't have a choice so I feel like my taste has adjusted to the bottles with a line in it.

7. When I sleep in our bed, I have to be straight. For some crazy reason, I feel dizzy if I'm more to one side than another. I don't pretend not to be neurotic,lol.

8. At 26 and a half, I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

9. I don't really love sweets. I'd pick something salty (read carby) any day of the week.

10. We tried for exactly one month before getting pregnant with B. Thats after telling my husband, we could try for a year! But then, first month and I'm pregnant.

11. I RUINED Heath's first proposal to me. It's a long story for a whole different post, but I ruined it, he didn't propose and then made me wait another month until he did it again.

12. When I was pregnant all I would eat the first trimester was fried bologna and scrambled eggs. Every single night the Husband cooked it lovingly. I also had a coke icee most mornings. And the smell of my nasty dog was the only smell that didn't make me nauseous. I would smell her fur just to settle my stomach.

13. I didn't ride on my first airplane until I was 22.

14. I had lasik in 2011. Before that, I literally couldn't see but about two feet in front of my face without my glasses/contacts.

15. I dated another guy named Heath. They lived on the same road. The similarities pretty much stop there, but what a coincidence.

16. I overanalyze decisions concerning Bentlee. And normally only the small decisions. Big ones I know without a doubt and  I don't bat an eye. But something small and insignificant, I may ponder for days on end sometimes making myself feel a little sick.

17. For two years probably- Heath didn't know the color of my eyes. He was asked one day and stumbled for the answer. If you know me well, you will understand why this is so shocking.

18. I love 90210. The old ones and the new ones. I'm a little obsessed.

19. I can't dance. Pretty much at all. Or sing for that matter although I try.

20. My secret dream job- is to be a wrecker girl. Obviously I wouldn't probably ever. But i'm sickingly obsessed with bad wrecks and Heath knows he better turn around if its real bad. Its not the people, its really not. I pray hard for each and every one of them. Its more that metal can twist and bend and look like that after a wreck!

21. I don't really like kids. I mean, the kids I'm used to, sure. My kid, of course. But just in general, no. They smell and are germy.

22. I would take in every stray dog if I could. Sometimes, I like dogs more than I like people. I can't help it.

23. I'm pretty sure I cracked my elbow in the 11th grade doing a toss on colorguard. It still hurts sometimes.

24. I bought my first call all alone. And paid cash for it.

25. I don't love to shop. I know I'm the only girl that can say this, but I don't love it. Unless I have tons of money to spend which never happens,lol. So pretty much, malls make me tired and frustrated.

Thats all I can think about right now. How many of these did you know?

Friday, July 27, 2012

What My Toddler Has Taught Me

1. Honesty. When you make a promise to a toddler. You better do it. They don't forget. And they need to trust you. Its so important for them.

2. Pick your battles. Its ok to wear rainboots to Walmart. People may look at you, but it's probably because they understand. They have been there.

3. Popsicles. Keep them on hand at all times. This is such an easy fix for a sad heart at the age of two.

4. Hugs. When they offer them, you take them. No matter what time of the day it is, no matter what you are doing. You stop and you hug and you kiss.

5. Chores can wait. Really. They will still be there waiting for you the next day and really, thats ok.

6. Booboo's. Kiss them always. No matter how big or small. Always be there to kiss the booboo's.

7. Germs are sometimes ok. Mud is ok. Kissing the dog is ok.

8. Let them help you. Even if it means refolding the laudry or rewashing a dish. They need independence and its how they learn.

9. Pray for them. Pray with them. Pray a hedge of protection all around them.

10. Thank God for them every single day.

11. Multi-tasking. I have learned how to cook, talk on the phone and mop the floor all at the same time that I hold my 25 lb toddler.

12. There is no such thing as alone time anymore. I will never be able to talk on the phone, take a bath or pee anymore without an audience.

Monday, July 16, 2012

My Bucket List

My bucket list:

1. Be in Las Vegas on New Years Eve.

2. See Kenny Chesney in concert. It's sad that this is on here and sad that it hasn't happened so far.

3. Go explore Italy.

4. Eat ice cream with my love when we are old.

5. See my girl ride a bike, graduate and get married.

6. Have a walk-in closet.

7. Do something I'm passionate about as a career.

8. Witness something amazing.  This one I crossed off the day I watched one of my best friends Katy deliver her daughter Maggie Blake. It was one of the top five most amazing moments of my entire life.

9. Watch the sun come up over the beach.

10. Teach Bentlee something useful. Not school lessons but a life lesson. How to be a lady. How to apply make-up without looking like a floozy. How to be a great friend.

11. Rock a grandbaby to sleep.

12. Visit all 50 states.

13. Own my own home outright. With no mortgage to pay.

14. Drive a very fast car very fast.

15. Renew our wedding vows in Vegas with the cheesiest Elvis impersonator we can find.

16. Cook Christmas dinner and use fancy dishes. (easy, yes, but we always go somewhere else!)

17. Watch my girl get baptized.

18. Get a tattoo.

19. Get a puppy as a gift wrapped in a box on Christmas. And I want it to be a total surprise.

I know there are so many more. I just can't think of them all right now, so I may have to add to this list later :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The clue to our marriage

As the husband and I have just celebrated our 7th anniversary, I'm feeling like I know a few things. Do I have it all figured out? Of course not, but this is how we have made our 7 years of marriage work all while staying mainly happy. I figure I can make myself a list now and again when we've been married 57 years and see if things are the same :)

1. In our marriage, the age old concept of "don't go to bed mad" is out the window. That's dumb people. Well, maybe not dumb to some, but in our marriage, it just doesn't work. Sometimes I am MAD. So mad that I need to sleep on it and think through what I want to say before I say things I don't mean simply because I'm to mad to think rationally. Plus, when/if the fight doesn't start till say 8:00, ok then, you can't stay up all night trying to figure out a solution/decide who is right. Sometimes I just have to go to bed and wake up with a clear head and I may even see things differently.

2. You will say harsh, ugly things. I'm not proud of it. But sometimes, they just come out. You will stoop to the lowest of lows and the harshest of the harsh before you even realize you've done it no matter how good of a person you are. You will feel guilty. You will get over it. And so will they. Hence why in our marriage the term- fight fair- doesnt really apply either. Sometimes you just won't fight fair.

3. Always be excited to see your spouse when you return home from work. If you aren't, this is a problem. No matter if we are fussing, after 9 hours of not seeing his face, I just have to see it. I miss it.

4. In conjunction with that, always kiss your spouse when you return home after work. Its simple, its sweet, and it lets me know you missed me all day. Its important. Back in the day- WAY back in the day- when my parents were still married, I seriously remember being a little girl and seeing my dad kiss my mom when he got home from work and thinking how sweet it was.

5. Before children, take a few years. Again, maybe this isn't for everybody, I'm speaking strictly for my marriage. But children change things. Greatly. Children make things rocky. And if you didn't already have a strong, steady foundation, then you will fall.

6. ALWAYS say I love you. This is probably my strictest rule in my marriage. No matter how mad I am at him, I always love him. I never stop. Not when I'm mad, not when he is mad, not when we don't see eye to eye. Why would you not tell your spouse out of spite? I always love him. I always will.

7. Be gentle with the truth. You should tell the truth. But at the same time, be gentle and use your words wisely.

8. No matter how many times you tell them, they will NOT put their socks in the basket. It doesn't mean I stop telling him, it just means that he will never learn.

9. Guys- just let her choose the movie/show. It won't hurt you and it makes her happy. Does he "enjoy" watching 90210 and Teen Mom every single week when they are on? Secretly, I say yes.

10. Girls- when it's a very important decision- always obey your husband. As a VERY opinionated, strong willed individual this has probably been the hardest one for me. However, the Bible clearly states that the man is supposed to lead the family. When I need an answer to something, I pray about it, then I ask Heath and will normally follow what he tells me. There have been very few times that Heath has actually all out disagreed with what I have wanted or even not wanted, but when he does, I try to obey.

11. Children will change your love for each other. You will love your spouse in a way that you thought was impossible. When I see the husband playing with our baby girl, sometimes I don't think I could love him anymore than I do in that minute. It is unimaginable.

12. Guys- girls will change their minds. A lot. Get over it and go with it. Recently, the husband has went to party city with me FOUR times to exchange B's party stuff, FOUR times, all while being a good sport before he had to bow out gracefully and tell me I was on my on. Before he strangled me. Or divorced me. But he did it.

13. You should think your spouse is hot. Everybody else may not, but you should. Mine is. The hottest man ever.

14. Men- don't compare your wife to your mother. It will never end well. It doesn't matter how well of a cook/cleaner/caretaker your mom is- never ever compare. I will say- for fairness on my blog- the husband doesn't typically do this to me. Except that one time when he was sick and she didn't want to come take care of him and get his germies. I guess she figured, he has a wife now, let her do it. From then on, I will do when he is sick.

15. LISTEN. With a capital L. What they are saying may not be interesting. In fact, you may not give two cents what they are saying and think it is very unimportant. However, trust me on this, if they are saying it at all, it is important to them. Do you think I care about the alarms he installs or the way this motor works on this vehicle? No, not at all. But he wants to tell me, which means I want to listen. And at the same time, you may learn something that could be useful later without even realizing it. My husband has educated me on so many things that I may never need but that I am glad I know now. All things that were important to him.

16. Men- put the toilet seat down. Enough said. I'm fortunate that the husband has never had a problem remembering this.

17. For the love- just scratch my back, brush my hair, rub my feet- WHENEVER I ask. ;)

18. Men- always eat the dinner your wife cooks. Rather you like it or not. Rather you are hungry or not. Trust me on this- it will hurt her feelings if you don't. And it better be a big, heaping helping also.

19. Tell her she is pretty. Often.

20. Husbands- Protect her. Even if she doesn't need to be protected. She likes it. Trust me.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Little Letters

So, clearly although I love the thought of having a blog was great, I haven't done the best about keeping it up. I forget how much of my time is split between a million other things. So, with that one said, this will be quick as well, but I have a few thoughts.

Dear Crazy Toddler- Please stop breaking my stuff. For real. Mommy only has a few things that I consider to be "nice" and you are steadily declining that small list. Plus, that picture frame was from our honeymoon and is irreplacable. I still love you even though you make me mutter very bad words under my breath sometimes.

Dear Christian Grey- As much as America loved you and as much as I did- I'm kind of over you. You are still sexy, but geez, I actually got a little bored with the sex scenes by the third book. And the vocabulary was so repetitive... Heady and chastely... over and over and over.

Dear Beach- I miss you. I can't WAIT to see you and right now you are consuming my thoughts. So much so that I've already booked my NEXT beach trip after my one coming up. Its literally all I can think about. 38 days and I will roll around in your wonderfulness.

Dear Diet- I hate you and I can't do it. Some days are better, but most days, I loathe you and just want to eat everything. If I didn't want my daughter growing up thinking its ok to be fat, I'd tell you where you can go.

Dear Kady- I know you miss Nikki. We miss her too. But the sad fact is, she's not coming back. PLEASE got to sleep at night and please eat your food. I have done everything I can think of and you are wearing me out with the whining at night.

Dear Husband- I love your attentiveness lately. And what you are doing is working. When you do nice things for me, it makes me want to do nice things right back at ya. So, heres to a nice dinner of kraut, weiners and mac n cheese. Your fave :)

Dear Weather- I'm falling back in love with my newly bronzed skin. Please stay warm, sunny and beautiful. Although I don't really think its fair that my toddler has better tan lines than me.

Dear Bank Account- Please continue to grow. When I try to swipe that little plastic card- just speak up and tell me no. Again, we have lost our heads and are going on FOUR vacays this year.

Dear Vegas- We will meet again. In October to be exact. I miss the way you smell, I miss your fountains, I miss practically everything about you.

and last, Dear Best Friends- I'm so glad ya'll are back from the beach.  I was dripping with jealously anxiousness and ready for ya'll to be back so we can count down to our next vacay. That is for the exact same week in different locations. But at least one won't suffer while the other is away. That is all.